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A245 Mold Lubricant & Release Agent-水性脱模剂和润滑剂浓缩液


Mold Lubricant & Release Agent

A245 Mold Lubricant is a time saving mold release agent for molded rubber, plastics, and similar materials.  Simply spray on molds to let parts release quickly and easily.  Prevents sticking so you can make more high quality parts every hour, every shift, every day.  This material is concentrated and should be diluted with water prior to using.  To achieve optimum dilution, try diluting one part concentrate with 5 parts water initially.  Test mixture and adjust dilution for desired performance and surface coating. Best application is achieved by applying a thin coating using a spray system.


Mold Lubricant & Release Agent

A245 模具脱模剂是應用於模压橡胶,塑料和类似材料,可节省时间。只需喷涂在模具上,使部件快速方便地离型脱模剂。防止粘附,以便每个小时,每天都能制作更多优质的零件。这种脱模剂是浓缩的,应用前請先使用水稀释。要达到最佳的稀释度,请先尝试用5份水稀释1份脱模剂。测试混合物并调整稀释度以获得所需的性能。通过使用喷雾系统简单地在模具表面喷涂一个薄涂层来实现最佳效果。

产品关键词:Teflon涂料|杜邦特氟龙涂料|XYLAN涂料|TUFRAM|STONER脱模剂|TRASYS水性脱模剂|滚塑脱模剂|硅胶脱模剂|聚氨酯PU脱模剂|热塑性塑料脱模剂|碳纤维脱模剂|胶管脱模剂|复合材料脱模剂|半钢轮胎涂料|球模铁氟龙涂料|鞋模铁氟龙涂料|园林剪刀铁氟龙涂料|吸塑模铁氟龙涂料|医疗器械涂层|橡胶表面特氟龙喷涂|O型圈PTFE喷涂|耐磨自润滑涂料|二硫化钼涂料|轴瓦涂料|真空泵无油转子涂料|灯泡防爆PFA粉末TraSys818|TraSys420|TraSys9825|TraSys428|TraSys423|电子清洗剂\3M PFA静电喷涂级粉末|Whitford PFA喷涂粉末

Chemours/Teflon/科慕/特氟龙/铁氟龙商标品牌为美国科慕公司The Chemours Company所拥有