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Honey Wax 100-蜜蜡100复合材料脱模蜡


Honey Wax® 100

Honey Wax® 100 is a pure, carnauba paste wax containing no silicones or fillers. It is designed for the composite fabricator who requires a very high quality paste wax mold release agent.



Honey Wax® 100 is an excellent mold release where purity, non-staining and a hard releasing fi lm are important. Although application is somewhat more exacting than for processed waxes, the residual fi lm is more durable and resistant to abrasion. It will readily accept PVA without fish-eyeing. Honey Wax® 100 will also withstand higher temperatures than most processed waxes which can be critical for high exotherm resins. Due to the nature of its components and its ability to provide a hard, durable, waxy fi lm, Honey Wax® 100 is highly recommended when breaking in new molds or plugs.



Honey Wax® 100

HoneyWax®100 是一种不含硅酮或填料的纯巴西棕蜡。它是为复合制造商设计的,因為他們需要一种非常高质量的脱模剂。 HoneyWax®100 是一个很好的脱模剂,就產品之纯度、无污染和硬释放膜是重要的元素。虽然应用比加工蜡更严格,但是残余膜更耐用并且耐磨。它将容易接受PVA而没有鱼眼。HoneyWax®100 比大多数加工的蜡还更可承受更高的温度,这对于高放热树脂是很关键的。由于其组件的性质和提供坚硬耐用的蜡膜能力,当打开新的模具或塞子时,强烈建议使用HoneyWax®100。

产品关键词:Teflon涂料|杜邦特氟龙涂料|XYLAN涂料|TUFRAM|STONER脱模剂|TRASYS水性脱模剂|滚塑脱模剂|硅胶脱模剂|聚氨酯PU脱模剂|热塑性塑料脱模剂|碳纤维脱模剂|胶管脱模剂|复合材料脱模剂|半钢轮胎涂料|球模铁氟龙涂料|鞋模铁氟龙涂料|园林剪刀铁氟龙涂料|吸塑模铁氟龙涂料|医疗器械涂层|橡胶表面特氟龙喷涂|O型圈PTFE喷涂|耐磨自润滑涂料|二硫化钼涂料|轴瓦涂料|真空泵无油转子涂料|灯泡防爆PFA粉末TraSys818|TraSys420|TraSys9825|TraSys428|TraSys423|电子清洗剂\3M PFA静电喷涂级粉末|Whitford PFA喷涂粉末

Chemours/Teflon/科慕/特氟龙/铁氟龙商标品牌为美国科慕公司The Chemours Company所拥有