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P5930 KantStik Cure Fast 1.0-无硅三涂层半永久密封剂脱模剂


KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0

KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0 is our second generation, fast curing, three coat semi-permanent release system that combines the sealer and release agent into one product.   KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0 will effectively seal the pores on both new and reconditioned tooling while also providing multiple releases when fabricating with thermoset resins, all with ONLY THREE APPLICATION COATS.


KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0 ADVANTAGES:

  • Uses our second generation “Dry Film Lubrication Technology”
  • Sealer and release agent are incorporated into one product for one-step application
  • Withstands high molding temperatures in excess of 800º F (427º C)
  • High gloss finish with no material transfer to parts
  • High slip with no pre-release
  • Contains no Silicone


KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0

KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0 是我们的第二代,快速固化,三涂层半永久脫膜系统,将密封剂和脱模剂组合成一个产品。 KantStik®Cure Fast 1.0有效地封住新型和翻新工具上的孔隙,同时在热固性树脂制造时提供多重脫膜,所有这些都只有三个应用涂层。


KantStik® Cure Fast 1.0 优点:

  • 使用我们的第二代“干膜润滑技术”
  • 密封剂和脱模剂被合并到一个产品中使用
  • 承受温度超过800°F (427°C)
  • 高光泽度
  • 高滑差
  • 不含硅胶

产品关键词:Teflon涂料|杜邦特氟龙涂料|XYLAN涂料|TUFRAM|STONER脱模剂|TRASYS水性脱模剂|滚塑脱模剂|硅胶脱模剂|聚氨酯PU脱模剂|热塑性塑料脱模剂|碳纤维脱模剂|胶管脱模剂|复合材料脱模剂|半钢轮胎涂料|球模铁氟龙涂料|鞋模铁氟龙涂料|园林剪刀铁氟龙涂料|吸塑模铁氟龙涂料|医疗器械涂层|橡胶表面特氟龙喷涂|O型圈PTFE喷涂|耐磨自润滑涂料|二硫化钼涂料|轴瓦涂料|真空泵无油转子涂料|灯泡防爆PFA粉末TraSys818|TraSys420|TraSys9825|TraSys428|TraSys423|电子清洗剂\3M PFA静电喷涂级粉末|Whitford PFA喷涂粉末

Chemours/Teflon/科慕/特氟龙/铁氟龙商标品牌为美国科慕公司The Chemours Company所拥有